about me
Pursuing Wholesome is a Christian homeschool mom blog with the goal of sharing our family's journey while encouraging others to join us as we pursue more wholesome decisions regarding education, food, faith, and family.

Hi! Thank you for clicking through to learn more about me. I'm Raychel, I live in Arizona with my husband and two sons. We are a Christian unschooling family working every day to grow and learn together.
I am very passionate in my role as a Christian wife and mom. I am a homemaker and homeschooler, and I want to lead my family on a path to wholesome living. Parenting has taught me many things, one of those is that I am not perfect. Neither are my kids and husband. This was hard for me to accept at first, but alas, 'tis the truth. But that's ok, perfection is no longer my goal anyway. Now I value progress - steps in the right direction. I love learning new ways to create healthier habits. But I also love Oreos and binge watching True Crime dramas. I am not an authority on child development, education, or ideal parenting, I am not a dietician, health expert, or a nutrition specialist, I am not a theologian or Bible scholar; but I love God and I love my family, and I am good at Google-ing ;)
I am not claiming to be a completely wholesome person. I have not "made it" and am not an authority on "how to be wholesome." This blog was created so I can share the research I do and the continuing journey I am on with my family to making better choices. We try to implement small yet impactful changes day by day on our way to becoming healthier, happier, and more wholesome people.
So if you're here looking to gain a comprehensive guide to being a wholesome person, you are in the wrong place. If you are searching for real life examples of a family pursuing wholesome living, or even just to know someone else is struggling with the same thing you may be going through, then you're in the right place.
I came to love researching nutrition and homeschooling and discovering new ways to nourish my family in a more wholesome way, and especially sharing the new information with people I know and love. The more I shared, the more I would be told "you should write a book" or "you should do a seminar at the church on this stuff" or "have you ever thought about blogging all of this?" Honestly, no. Never. I do not want that kind of attention or pressure. Even now, sitting at my desk typing this up, I'm still asking - do I really want to do this? There are so many other women out there who are passionate, knowledgeable and who already have an established name and following. What can I add to this community? How will I stand out? I don’t know. But I am going to do it anyway, transparent and open. I will put myself out there and see what happens, purely because I fully believe that this is the path that God has asked me to go down.